Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do you remember?

Future visions, thoughts that awake

If I were to disappear from the surface of the earth one day, who would be truly heartbroken? Who would be missing me years later? Would I still be in anybody's prayers every night, would they think of me when they're not busy with life?

While my mom and I were at the columbarium (in the church), we saw a plaque for a girl who passed away in her early twenties many years ago but there were many notes pasted onto it from her Secondary school friends. I guess she must've been a really nice person, and it just got me wondering about the above.

Columbariums aren't scary, they only remind you about the fragility of life.

Aerosmith - I don't wanna miss a thing (it fits the mood)

My mom and I also had a nice talk after that, I'll really make it a point to resolve all conflicts with her before I leave the house like I mention in a previous post. I'll write this down now to remind myself that she loves us alot even though she'll always end up nagging (and sometimes unreasonably), which makes my brother and I really irritated .

& I should understand that she's always alone most of the time with my Dad working in China, so I should make it a point to talk to her more often. It'll definitely make her happy.

Its been a long time since I've been to church, and this must be my first time listening attentively without constantly looking at my watch, hoping for the end of the mass (yes mass, not service) or the receiving of the holy communion. Somehow I felt quite at peace after the whole thing, maybe I've grown haha.

So I've finally passed the doodle-during-church stage, I don't know how this happened but I'm glad I don't reject the idea of a religion as much as I did the past two years. I never ever understood why people say having a religion is so important, I still don't exactly understand now, but it doesn't matter. I guess.

This is like a post of mixed-up thoughts.

Shall switch off the computer now :D

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